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Summit Guidelines & Principles

This summit holds immense significance for our community’s ongoing growth and prosperity. Therefore, we ask that you adhere to the event’s guidelines and principles to preserve its mission of making the music business more human. These are in place to ensure that every participant is treated with unwavering respect, dignity, and privacy. This event deviates from conventional music industry gatherings, and we hope you can recognize and value the care we have invested in aiming for safety and comfort for all attendees.

For this event, we ask that you…

1. Put Aside Ego & Emphasize Personal Connections: Please refrain from limiting individuals to their job titles or the companies they may (or may not) work for. Instead, approach your interactions with fellow attendees from the perspective of their first and last names. It may be difficult and require some adjustment, but this mindset is something we hope you all strive to have at the summit.

2. Confidentiality Matters: The content of this event is strictly “off the record” which means we are not inviting press or media to cover the event. We ask that you also respect this by not sharing confidential conversations. If individuals from media companies are present at this event, rest assured they are here for the same reason you are. This is all on an honor code.

3. Please, No Filming: We are not filming or recording these conversations to be released or streamed in full, so neither should you. While you are welcome (and encouraged!) to take photos, please avoid recording videos or audio during panels and workshops. Posting to social media is awesome, but please do not share video, audio, or specific quotes. The only exception will be our official hired photographer and videographer catching b-roll and attendee interviews for promotional purposes. You may see signage around the venue that asks for your consent to be filmed, but rest assured, this is simply for sizzle reel purposes so that we can continue to grow this event in future years.

4. Embrace the Learning Process: The event will be rich in new information, and it may feel overwhelming at times. Please remember that real change takes time and these sessions are designed to help you incorporate new skills into your life, one step at a time. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when needed.

5. Maintain an Open Mind: As you engage with the event, we hope that you keep an open heart and mind. You may encounter perspectives and experiences that differ from your own, which is an integral part of building empathy and understanding across our diverse community.

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