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It all started with radio contests.

My favorite bands would come to town, and I loved the challenge of winning concert tickets. I won. A lot. Friends and family called me “lucky,” but it wasn’t just luck. I had a strategy. I’ve always had a knack for figuring out life’s little hacks—making tasks easier and learning better, smarter, and more efficient ways of doing them the next time. 

When 2020 put a stop to the live music industry, I thought about the thousands who work behind the scenes to put on the amazing shows I love. Those concerts were my happy place, my check your worries at the door oasis. Over the years, I have been a devoted fan. I’ve attended dozens of concerts and live festivals and have developed relationships with many of the talented (and underserved) professionals who make road shows possible. I learned how challenging it can be for new and seasoned professionals to manage the logistics of tour life and personal life. So, I paired my love of music with my business expertise to create Life’s Jam, a resource of tools and solutions to make road life a little easier.

After my dad passed from cancer when I was 10, my mother raised me and my special-needs sister while working full-time. I was taught early on about life’s hardships, but also about resilience, courage, determination, and kindness. My mom was my first rock star role model; she managed life and a successful business without missing a beat. Understanding the needs to achieve this balance is part of my DNA.

To round off my skill set, I received my Bachelor’s degree from Boston University’s School of Business with a degree in Finance, and I am an Accredited Financial Counselor & Quickbooks Pro Advisor. I started my career at NBC in production finance, and I have spent the past two decades running and growing companies from inception to success. In my free time, I love traveling, going to music festivals, hanging out with family, and catching a baseball game in my hometown of Boston.

As the founder of Life’s Jam, my goal is to give dedicated tour professionals the set list for living their most efficient and prosperous life on and off the road!

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