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I’m Tom. I’m a coach. I’m also a founder, entrepreneur, investor and creative. My last company was acquired in 2018 - a creative agency that looked after industry leading brands like Red Bull and Unilever. I’ve invested in startups - everything from AI to FinTech. I have 20 years experience of working in the creative sector. Also I’m a DJ - playing at clubs and festivals year round for my own creative purpose.

More than anything, I’m a coach. 

In 2016, when I first ventured into coaching, little did I anticipate the profound impact it would have on my life. 

At that time, despite outwardly positive circumstances, I found myself feeling discontent and lacking in enthusiasm. Everything seemed "beige," and I struggled to pinpoint the source of my unhappiness. Uncertain about the future and experiencing an unusual lack of excitement, I felt adrift, unsure of my next steps. I had never taken the time for self-reflection or exploration, delving into the reasons behind my decisions and what I truly desired for my life and career.

Faced with this challenge, I decided to enlist the help of a coach, recognising that without a proactive step, fundamental change might remain elusive. The coaching experience turned out to be transformative, altering the trajectory of my life.

With the support, guidance, and insights provided by my coach, I came to understand that each of us possesses the capacity to thrive in our lives. We can be successful and happy on our own terms, transitioning from a reactive stance to a proactive and intentional approach in shaping who we are and where we're headed. 

Captivated by the profound impact of my own coaching experience, I found a renewed sense of purpose after the sale of my last business. This fueled my decision to return to University and embark on a coaching journey.

As a coach, my expertise extends to understanding the intricacies of how our brains function. With a background in coaching studies, psychology training, and a wealth of experience at every level of business, I am well-equipped to guide individuals at any stage of their career and life.

I've walked the paths of leadership, management, employee roles, parenthood, and the realms of creation. I not only understand but actively exist in your world, ready to assist you in creating the future you desire, on your terms. Since establishing my practice in January 2019, I've collaborated with diverse individuals and organisations, delivering tangible, measurable impact and success.

My passion lies in making coaching accessible to everyone. The entire process, from both perspectives, is not just enjoyable but also challenging and fulfilling. I derive immense satisfaction from helping individuals create a measurable difference in their lives. 

Witnessing people build the lives they desire, unravel the truth of their situations, take action, and effect positive change is something I truly love. 

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